You have speech students that could benefit from practicing drawing conclusions.
Don’t know where to start?
Don’t want to feel like a reading teacher?
I am here to help!
I am giving you a bonus digital escape for FREE!
Fill out the form below to grab it for yourself!
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Drawing conclusions… isn’t that a reading skill? Why should I be working on that in speech? Well drawing conclusions is a foundational skill that is needed for making inferences and critical thinking. Inferences are also a foundational skill to 21st Century Learning! Students are expected to draw conclusions to make connections with a text or author and to answer questions. There are so many reasons why students struggle with this. They can have...
- Lack of background knowledge.
- Lack of experiences.
- Lack of precursor reading strategy skills.
- Lack of ability to pick out details in a text.
- Lack of vocabulary.
- Weak memory and ability to recall what they just read/heard.
- Weak syntax and ability to understand when things took place based on verb tenses used.
Those are all our domain! Those are all things we are experts in and that we can help!
Inferential thinking is a complex skill that we can help develop and strengthen. In order to have students improve their skills in drawing conclusions and making inferences, we have to help our students understand when information is implied, or not directly stated. These are skills that will be needed daily for all sorts of school assignments, including reading, science and social studies.
Are you thinking, “But how? How can I help develop and strengthen them?”
We have the solution for you! Have you ever tried a digital escape? It is a digital game designed for a group of students. Your students are given a scenario that includes a problem they need to solve. As a group they will work through clues to figure out what the clues mean until they are able to solve the problem.
Working in a mixed group is a great strategy for students to gain exposure. A group allows students to bring different experiences, background knowledge, vocabulary, ability to pick out details in the text, etc. to the table. Meaningful group conversations about each clue will help your students with their inferential thinking.
Don’t believe me?!
See what other SLPs are saying about using digital escapes with their speech students
“My middle schoolers absolutely love these! I bought the bundle and they get so excited when I bring out a new one. There are so many different skills that can be addressed with this type of activity. “
“My students love these digital escape activities! It works out great for remote students and allows you to target multiple goals. Thank you!”
“These Digital Escapes activities are so much fun! My older elementary students really enjoyed trying to figure these out. I used for in person speech, but these would be great for remote students, too! Thank you for all of your hard work!”
“Your products are always loved by students (and me, too)! Excellent for targeting multiple skills at once. Thank you for always making "work" seem like fun. Best way to learn!”
“Great resource to use with my students! Keeps them engaged while targeting goals!”
I am so excited to share a digital escape with you all for… FREE!
This digital escape features:
One game
5 clues
A graphic organizer for to organize their thoughts and to assist with recall of the clues/items
A fun and engaging way to help meet student’s goals!
I made it as a google slide resource so it can easily be used in person or virtually and completely paper free! Who has time to deal with printers and photocopy machines these days anyway!?
Fill out the form below to get access to this freebie!
Fill out the form to receive this freebie!
By completing this form you are also signing up to receive email updates from Speech Time Fun.