Free Cheat Sheets for Short Films
Do your students love YouTube?
Have you ever used short videos in your speech therapy sessions?
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Using short videos in speech sessions is a great way to work on a variety of targeted goals while also increasing engagement. Videos give you the flexibility to work on multiple goals in one session.
They are also perfect to use with mixed groups because you can easily target different skills for each student in your session.
When your students are engaged in their learning, they are more motivated, focused, and will retain more from your session.
How can I easily target multiple goals with one video?
I have created Cheat Sheets for Short Films to help SLP’s like you easily incorporate videos with data tracking into their speech sessions. Each short video includes a question/stimulus sheet. This sheet provides you with all of the necessary questions and prompts needed to address over 15 different skills and goals.
You do not need to use every single question or stimulus included, but you can now confidently and swiftly work on multiple goals with multiple students in a single session. All of the planning and prep work has been done for you!
Goals Addressed:
Each video has questions and stimuli for the following goals:
✔️ WH questions
✔️ inferencing
✔️ syntax
✔️ cause/ effect
✔️ social skills
✔️ predicting
✔️ vocabulary: synonyms, antonyms, adjectives, describing, multiple meaning words, and Tier 2
✔️ vocabulary words using context clues
✔️ articulation: /k/, /s/, /r/, /l/, /th/, /ch/, /sh/ initial and final positions
Data Collection
Our whole job involves data tracking to track the progress of the goals for all of our students. Each student has unique goals so it can be very time consuming to track reliable data on each of their individual goals.
The innovative design of the recording sheet for Cheat Sheets for Short Films has checkboxes so that you can easily check off boxes and/or record any important data needed. Each question or stimuli on the recording sheet has a checkbox next to it, so you track how students are handling everything you are working on. Easily adapt the tracking system to meet your needs in all of your sessions.
Using it with mixed groups? You can adapt the recording sheet to fit your needs for multiple students! You can use initials when checking off boxes or even different colors if you are using one recording sheet. Maybe you want to keep the recording sheet as evidence. Then, print out multiple to check off and record necessary data on a student’s individual sheet. The possibilities on how you want to use the data tracking part are endless!
Easily track data on important goals with no prep needed beforehand!
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